Metuchen School District budgeting process
January is the time when the public part of the budget process begins. Work begins on the preparation of the next school year budget in the summer and continued through September when principals, supervisors, and other district administrators completed departmental and school-based budgets. Spending plans for each school were submitted to the Central Office in October. During November, the Business Office reviewed all school and departmental requests. A report was prepared for the Superintendent, who then discussed it with individual principals, supervisors, and administrators. When these requests are formulated into budget presentations, the Board and the public have the opportunity to provide input on the district budget.
A part of each Board meeting from January through March will be devoted to some aspect of budget preparation. A Budget Calendar, listing scheduled dates for Board discussions or presentations on budget-related matters is available and will be posted on this website. All discussions and presentations will be part of scheduled Board of Education meetings held on Tuesday evenings at 8:00 p.m. in the MHS cafeteria. We urge you to attend these presentations or watch them on MEtv. Public participation is an important part of our process. Your questions, your suggestions, and your general input are always welcome.