Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS)
What is the I&RS Committee?
The I&RS Committee is a school based problem-solving group that assists teachers by designing and implementing strategies for children who are experiencing learning, behavior, health problems, or any other problem that is interfering with a student’s academic achievement.
Who can serve on the I&RS Committee?
The I&RS Team in your child’s school will be represented by school staff who have different abilities and experience so that the best strategies can be developed to help your child. The following people will be members of the I&RS Team:
The principal, vice-principal, or his/her designee
A regular education teacher
The teacher who needs assistance with your child. If there are multiple teachers, at least one will be invited.
The standing team members (i.e. counselor, nurse, student assistance counselor, learning consultant, etc.)
Any other person deemed necessary to assist the team
The parent (you and the school are partners in this process)
What will the I&RS Committee do to help?
The members of the I&RS Team will gather all the information available on your child and will meet to discuss his/her areas of strengths and weaknesses and will then develop an Action Plan to address those areas in which he/she is experiencing difficulties in school.
What is an Action Plan?
The Action Plan is a limited number of suggestions that are considered to be helpful to the student and teacher. It is a thoughtful, planned approach to accommodate and enhance your child’s functioning in school.
What is the Parent’s Role?
You must be notified that your child will be discussed by the I&RS Team. The I&RS Team shall invite you to participate and/or provide information that will be helpful in developing strategies to help your child in school.
Links to Documents: