College Fairs
College fairs are events that bring admissions officers from various colleges and universities to a variety of different places to meet with and answer questions from students and parents. College Fairs are an easy and efficient way of finding out a lot about many schools. They're a good place to start your college search process.
Colleges track your level of interest in THEM through these visits and other means of connection.
This page will provide you with information we receive about college fairs in our area.

Registration is necessary. CLICK HERE for more information.
NJACAC offers information on a wide variety of NJ college fairs and you will find that they focus on very diverse college choice focus. Click their logo above to link to a site with more information on local fairs and registration.
Click here or graphic above for upcoming dates.
Connect with over 50 colleges (2 and 4 year) and vocational schools throughout the Northeast. The Northeast On-Demand College Fair will connect high school students with schools across Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.
This virtual resource is perfect for high school juniors building their initial college visit list or a senior narrowing down their options.
No matter where you are in the college search process, NACAC College Fairs have something for you! Chose from our In-Person National College Fairs or our Virtual College Fairs to make connections with hundreds of institutions - all in one place! Click the logo above to visit their site.