National Collegiate Athletic Association

This guide answers important questions for four groups of people involved in the NCAA initial-eligibility process:
• High school students who hope to compete in college sports at an NCAA Division I or II school.
• Parents, guardians and family members of high school students.
• High school counselors and athletics administrators.
• High school and non-scholastic coaches.
NCAA Initial-Eligibility Webinar for College-Bound Student-Athletes
35 min online webinar to walk you through the process
Your journey to playing your sport in college:
How to plan, what to do when to guarantee your eligibility.

Click here to link
Nov 4, 2024: This NCAA Eligibility Center webinar includes information on how to prepare for NCAA certification. This in-depth hour of information is focused on what you need to get certified by the NCAA and ready to compete at the Division I, II or III level.