2025-26 course request portal will be open in Genesis Feb 7-Feb 14th
You will be able to see your Counseling appointment time in Genesis beginning on February 7th. Appointments run through Feb and March.

As rising seniors, your scheduling meeting will be the same as grades 10 & 11 but be sure to also schedule your Jr. College Planning Conference! Visit the Junior College Planning page for the forms and documents you'll need to be prepare .
The course selection process for each school year begins in early February. Students are expected to give careful consideration to the courses chosen during the Course Selection Process. When a student selects a course, s/he is making a "reservation" which drives the creation of the Master Schedule. The Program of Studies was designed to assist students and parents with exploring options and planning a course of study. Please review this document prior to the Course Planning Conference.
NOW: In Genesis>Documents read and acknowledge the Winter Understanding the Scheduling Process document. Failure to take this step will delay your student's scheduling opportunities.
Feb 7th: Genesis conference tab will show your counseling meeting date and time.
Feb 14th: The course request portal in Genesis will CLOSE for all grades.
As part of the Scheduling process, you may be asked to complete a form to initiate a specific request. Here are the different forms you may need. All are fillable PDFs and can be emailed to your counselor upon completion.
Be sure to have a conversation about your scheduling requests with your counselor before completing any form.
Download form
Complete fields online
Save to your computer
Attach completed form in email to counselor.
In the winter/early spring, School Counselors meet with each student in grades 9-11 individually to assist with planning an appropriately rigorous course of study. The meetings run approximately 15-20 minutes in length. Parents are welcome to call-in but please be advised that the meeting is solely for discussing next year scheduling. Conference dates and times are scheduled by the student/parent in the following manner:
Your appointment day and time will be scheduled by your counselor. On Feb 7th, the info will be available on your Genesis >Conferences tab.
Counselors will discuss course offerings, teacher recommendations, graduation requirements and a student's individual interests and goals. Parents are required to approve the proposed schedule.
All families must read and electronically sign/acknowledge the document "Understanding the Scheduling Process". Students will not be scheduled without an acknowledged document on file. The document can be viewed in Genesis > Documents Tab.
It is essential that all students plan a high school educational program that best prepares them for higher education. To that end, we recommended that all students take the most rigorous coursework they are prepared to handle. Graduation requirements will provide a solid foundation, but students should always look to go above and beyond those requirements, taking additional academic course work to enhance preparedness.
Students should plan to take at least 5 academic courses each year in the core content areas (language arts, science, mathematics, social studies and world language). College admission counselors will expect a student’s high school records to show academic rigor, quality of academic performance and participation in extra-curricular activities and community service.
Whether preparing for college or career training, all high school students are encouraged to take rigorous coursework. A strong academic foundation is critical in order for any individual to be competitive in college or the workplace.